Walthamstow’s Premier Comedy Club
Home of great stand up comedy in East London

FEBRUARY 4 sold out shows!!!


Join the mailing list HERE and add contact@redimpcomedy.com to your address book


Note this shows is at our regular venue the YE OLDE ROSE & CROWN

Coming up


If you test positive you are welcome to sell the ticket on if you notify us in advance or get a refund upon proof of a positive test. Also do not come if you have a bad cough, all you’ll do is make the whole room TENSE.



Our gig has evolved in such a way that we get a lot of TV names doing works in progress & tour warm ups ( long form solo shows)  as well as top quality circuit acts doing regular club night formats ( 3 acts on a mixed bill doing 20 mins each plus an MC). Whilst we get that you want to see “people off the telly” we’d also like to remind folks that all the people you see on tv started as unknowns at club nights like ours.  We always book the cream of the crop.

The tickets for all shows including the bigger names go out to our mailing list first then on general sale 24hrs later so sign up to be in with a chancesign up here

We have been providing great nights out in  Waltham Forest with top notch comedy for 8 years and people from Leyton, Leytonstone, Woodford, South Woodford, Chingford, Loughton, Hackney, Tottenham, Clapton, Stratford and even Southend travel to our amazing shows. But never from Stoke Newington. Their loss.

We also have the occasional show for kids which the adults secretly enjoy too. Keep an eye on our Twitter @Red_Imp_4_Kidz

For all general enquiries contact@redimpcomedy.com

For all press enquiries ONLY contact our PR lady luigia@theprojectnetwork.co.uk

Strictly no refunds on tickets please see full Ts & Cs
Ticket are by WEGOTTICKETS
if you have any problems booking or can’t find your ticket confirmation ( you only need to give us your name on the door) then please contact them HERE or on 020 3667 3334


HERE is a short clip of the brilliant but late JEREMY HARDY that we played at our gig as we toasted his memory

“By feeding them only choicest comedy cuts available, Walthamstow’s up close and personal Red Imp Comedy club has hand-reared a discerning and imaginative audience as sassy and switched-on as the early alternative comedy crowds, and Susan Murray brings decades of experience to hosting and programming duties.” STEWART LEE

stewart Lee

*PLEASE NOTE START TIME OF 8PM for on line shows*

Walthamstows premier comedy club brings you big names doing work in progress on an ad hoc basis plus regular club nights with quality  A-lister circuit comedians.   We endeavour to bring you the strongest line ups in comedy in East London. Red Imp Comedy is run by resident MC Susan Murray

Our Facebook page is here  feel free to write us a review

Susan Murray

In non Pandemic times our venue is upstairs at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Bar, Hoe St, Walthamstow. It usually runs the first Wednesday or Thursday of the month but keep an eye on dates as it tends to move around depending on which acts we can get. Due to the age of the pub there is no disabled access as the room is up a windy staircase. We are very sorry. The owners of the pub are hoping to rectify this situation at some point.

Past acts include Tim Vine, Mark Thomas, Russell Kane, Jeremy Hardy, Arthur Smith, Sara Pascoe, Micky Flanagan, Omid Djalili,  Richard Herring, Bridget Christie, Mark Steel and Alan Carr but to name a few.

As well as famous acts, we also like to book the cream of the live circuit. Our club nights have three acts on, you may not have heard of them but be ASSURED we only put quality acts on. Just because they’ve not ‘been on the telly’ doesn’t mean they’re not brilliant. You have to remember that acts like Michael McIntyre started in clubs just like Red Imp.

Previews are when comics run in new material or warm up for a tour, they may be using notes.

Our mailing list loyal audience get first dibs on tickets.